Middletown Township

Listed below are statistics for Middletown Township, New Jersey. The township has the highest percentage of residents of Asian, South Central Asian, and Western African descent. It is also the third most diverse in New Jersey, with a population of nearly 37% Asian. You can also check out the median household income for the township to see its breakdown of racial groups. There are many other facts about Middletown Township, New Jersey. Next city - Hazlet.

The township is located in Monmouth County, New Jersey. It is one of the largest municipalities in the county, with a population of about 67,106. It is the 16th-largest township by population in New Jersey. In the 2010 Census, there were 31,866 residents in Middletown Township. The township's population grew by 584 by 2020, making it the sixteenth-largest municipality in the state.

The township is home to several historic structures. Many of these structures are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A few examples are the Sandy Hook Lighthouse, Fort Hancock, and Seabrook-Wilson House. The township also has the MacLeod-Rice House, Taylor-Butler House, and Murray Farmhouse. Some of these historic structures have been preserved by residents, and they're often used as a backdrop in local TV shows and movies. More info here.

The township is easily accessible from nearby highways. The Garden State Parkway connects Tinton Falls to Holmdel Township. Exit 109 is marked for Red Bank/Lincroft while Exit 114 is the route to Holmdel/Middletown. CR 516 is one of the main routes in central New Jersey and connects inland and shore-front sections. A nearby highway, Route 36, offers a convenient connection between several major cities in the state.

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Middletown Township, New Jersey. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest #1 Henry Hudson Trail County Park., Middletown Township, NJ 07748

Point Of Interest #2 The Gravity Vault Middletown, NJ, 37 Kanes Ln, Middletown Township, NJ 07748

Point Of Interest #3 MJ's Restaurant Bar & Grill, 1005 NJ-35, Middletown Township, NJ 07748

Point Of Interest #4 Wahoo's Tacos and More, 1147 NJ-35, Middletown Township, NJ 07748

Point Of Interest #5 Meemom's Middletown, 1383 NJ-35, Middletown Township, NJ 07748
