
If you have ever lived in Keansburg New Jersey, you probably know that English is the primary language spoken. In fact, English is the most widely spoken language in the U.S., and 93.8% of people in Keansburg speak English very well or exclusively. The majority of people in Keansburg are native English speakers, with 87.9% of residents saying that they only speak English, and 91.5% speaking it very well. Next post here.

While this may seem surprising, the population of Keansburg is much larger than that of its neighbor, Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey. In fact, Keansburg is one of only two cities in the greater Keansburg region that has a significantly higher population density. While there is a large proportion of people under the age of 20, the proportion of people between the ages of 20 and 29 is the lowest. This fact is particularly useful when trying to determine where to locate a new business or facility. Get the latest info here.

Other important demographic statistics include the percentage of immigrants, people born in other countries, and non-citizens. Keansburg ranks as the top-ranking city in the state for being home to the highest percentage of foreign-born residents. In fact, Keansburg New Jersey is the number one city in New Jersey for this measure, with the highest proportion of foreign-born residents born in Europe and Asia. In the case of immigration, it is the largest percentage of immigrants in Keansburg New Jersey, with only a quarter of the population born outside the U.S.

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Keansburg, New Jersey. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest #1 Runaway Rapids Waterpark, 275 Beachway Ave, Keansburg, NJ 07734

Point Of Interest #2 Jersey Shore Waterpark, 300 Beachway Ave, Keansburg, NJ 07734

Point Of Interest #3 Keansburg Beach, Main St & Beachway Ave, Keansburg, NJ 07734

Point Of Interest #4 Keansburg Fishing Pier, 275 Beachway Ave, Keansburg, NJ 07734

Point Of Interest #5 Angry Tomatoes Pizzeria, 127 Carr Ave, Keansburg, NJ 07734
